Providing Modern Physical Therapy  with the Latest Technology  Available.
Physical Therapy
at Doylestown Physical Therapy
Going beyond traditional physical therapy
to adequately prepare you for return to activity.
Stretching & Motility
We implement many different types of
stretching techniques and self-mobilization tools.
Recovery services designed to expedite healing from trauma due to intense training.
Sinclair Physical Therapy
Designed to treat soft tissue disorders so our patients can get back to peak performance as quickly as possible.
Active Release Technique
Kinesio Taping
Provides support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion.
Manual Therapy
A hands on method of treating musculoskeletal pain and disability; it most commonly includes kneading and manipulation.
Dry Needling
A use of needles for therapy of muscle pain, including pain related to myofascial pain syndrome.
Graston Technique
A form of manual therapy known as soft-tissue instrument-assisted mobilization.
Cupping Therapy
An ancient form of alternative medicine to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
Exercises in a pool as part of treatment for conditions such as arthritis or partial paralysis.
We provide care for the most common athletic injuries and rehab the athlete to obtain peak performance.
Sports Therapy
"Sinlcair Physical Therapy saved my life after a bad motor vehicle accident.  They had me moving and stronger than I thought I could be.  Thank you for all of your help!"

-Tommy K. , Quakertown PA
"My pitching coach suggested that I go to see a physical therapist after my pitching arm was showing signs of fatigue.  My physical therapist at Sinclair PT really helped to rehab my shoulder and strenghten my pitching form."

- John P. , Coopersburg PA
“I was walking with lower back pain for the past two years without any relief.  After one month of physical therapy, I can now say that I feel like normal again.  It is a pleasure to go for a walk now.”

-Mike G. , Quakertown PA
“I blew out my right knee after attempting to squat way too much weight for my body.  My physical therapist at Sinclair Physical Therapy really taught me how to both rehab and properly lift weights with proper form.  I really appreciate the great care and attention provided in your office.”

-Jennifer T. , Furlong PA
“Lifting up my grandchildren was pretty much impossible with the way my shoulders felt.  After two months of physical therapy, I am now able to lift my grandkids up and carry them properly with no pain.”

-Timothy L. , Quakertown PA
if you have any questions about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, fill out our form and we'll contact you as soon as we can.
Sinclair Physical Therapy
123 Sinclair Avenue
Anytown, PA 18951
Phone: 215-123-4567
& wellness center
Physical Therapy
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