Sinclair Chiropractic - Common Chiropractic Conditions
Back Pain
Back pain is probably the most common condition that patients come to see a Chiropractor for.  Back pain can result from many different sources.  Some of the most common causes of back pain are disc issues, a sedentary lifestyle, automobile or sporting injury, arthiritis and extreme weight gain.  These are just a few of the possible causes of pain pain.  A chiropractor is trained to help a patient relieve their pain in a natural and drug free method.
Sciatica is the term used to describe inflammation of the sciatic nerve located by your lower back and gluteal region.  Sciatica symptoms can range from lower back pain extending into the groin area to extreme pain shooting down from the lower back to the foot.  The pain can be quite severe and cause a serious decrease in quality of life when active.  A chiropractor can help alleviate this pain and educate the patient on ways of avoiding sciatica in the future.
Disc Issues  (Bulging Disc, Herniated Disc)
Disc issues can range from a bulging disc, herniated disc or degenerated disc.  All of these disc issues can occur from injuries to the spine through a fall, sporting event or sometimes just occur gradually over time.  A bulging disc is when a piece of a vertebral disc is extending beyond the normal joint space and can lead to inflammation of a spinal nerve or the spinal cord.  A herniated disc is when a piece of a vertebral disc breaks off from the disc itself and can then lead to inflammation of a spinal nerve or the spinal cord.  Disc isssues can be addresses by a chiropractor and lead to decreased pain and discomfort . 
Extremity Pain (Shoulder, Hip, Elbow)
Extremity joint pain can occur in the shoulders, hips, elbows or many other areas.  Chiropractors can test the joint motion and stability of these extremities and then provide specific chiropractic adjustments and therapies to help alleviate the pain.  Many sports enthusiasts tend to hurt or damage these joints.  Chiropractors can also provide specific stretching and muscle toning exercises to prevent these types of injuries from reoccurring. 
Sinclair Chiropractic
123 Sinclair Avenue
Anytown, PA 18951
Phone: 215-123-4567
Mon. - Fri.   8:00am - 7:00pm
Sat.  8:00am - 12:00pm

It is our policy to provide each and every customer with top notch service and to fulfill the customer's visions of each job.